Iglesias but It Was Funny Huh Gif
scout 01:52
Obi-Wan Takes the High Ground! - The Loop
The last affair a (slice of) chocolate cake will ever come across.
Gabriel Iglesias is a stand-up comic known for his funny impersonations, crazy audio effects and obnoxious Hawaiian shirts. He started his career on All That, and ended up getting specials on Comedy Central. He's also known for his good-natured Cocky-Deprecation and vivid attitude about being what he calls "fluffy".
All of the hilarious stories he tells have basis in truth. He happens to alive a quite crazy life and draws from these experiences. He too likes chocolate cake and is delighted and surprised when fans bring information technology to him.
Has a website.
Has a show called Gabriel Iglesias' Stand-Up Revolution.
Tropes used in Gabriel Iglesias include:
- Ass Shove: I of his routines relates his trip to the doctor with a complaint of "I can't fart." The doctor examines him, described only as "I'g non gonna tell you what he did, but you lot know what he did" and diagnoses him with a blockage, easily remedied with an enema.
- Big Fun - See his listing of the levels of fatness at Fat Bastard beneath.
- Bilingual Backfire: At one point when Franky was late for school, Gabriel tried to drib him off in the front of the schoolhouse only for the principal to show up and tell him it wasn't the designated area. In response to this, Gabriel began talking to her in very fast Castilian. Simply for the primary not only to understand this, but give him very articulate instructions of how this wasn't the designated drib off area, where the right area was, followed upwards by telling him (in Spanish) that she was non stupid.
- Bilingual Bonus: Moves seamlessly between English and Spanish in his shows.
- Brick Joke: "But it was funny, huh?" To wit: Cop pulls over Gabe, his friends, and Felipe, whose purpose in life is to get Gabe in humungous trouble - he does so by antagonizing the cop. Gabe tells a joke, leading to the start "But information technology was funny, huh". After the situation's defused and he gets abroad scott-free for making the cop express mirth, the friend jokes about pot in his pocket. The cop PULLS OUT HIS Piece AND POINTS It AT HIS FRIEND, screaming that just considering Gabe got off lightly doesn't hateful he isn't... and the friend promptly cries if he'due south going to jail. "Nope! Just it was funny, huh?"
- In the Lamentable I Left the BGM On example beneath, the cop in question mentions that the just story he always heard that was funnier than this ane was the fourth dimension some fat Mexican offered one of his colleagues some donuts (see Donut Mess with a Cop, below).
- In his adjacent special: his girlfriend begins to freak out when Franky starts to experience signs puberty is setting its course and he tells her "Don't worry, I'll be the man, I'll accept care of information technology" to calm her downward. This comes back later on to seize with teeth him in the donkey when Franky asks what a hooker is and his girlfriend echoes his promise word for discussion. He gets his revenge though, by telling him "You wanna know what a hooker is? Those are your mom's friends.", causing Franky to chime "hookers are here!" every time they visit them.
- It's become a Brick Joke, but it was actually explained in one of his much before appearances. After enduring too many of his friend's 'but it was funny, huh?' comments after doing something impaired and alluring the attending of the constabulary at a edge checkpoint, Gabriel and another friend traveling with him make up one's mind they're going to get ane back on him - and while his friend is sleeping in his hotel room, continually call his room pretending to be the front desk ordering him to proceed the noise downwards and that other guests are complaining. After one of these calls (Gabriel using his not bad voice repertoire) a 'Damn Mexicans' is added, which sets off his buddy. Who promptly charges downstairs and in the center of the lobby starts shouting about how this hotel is full of racists - a rant that ends with Gabriel revealing the identity of the caller, delivering a "Hello, sir?" in the same nasal vox. Cue a well-deserved and triumphant 'But it was funny, huh?' from Gabriel.
- Wit' an "I"?! Only you lot said "Eeeeeeeeeee-Glasias", You d'northward't say "I-Glasias" You said "Eeeeeeeee-Glasias"!" And so "I speak Spanish, also, Mother F@$%er![i]"
- Crosses the Line Twice: The Racist Gift Basket routine. Several times. It's even lampshaded by the target of the joke.
- Donut Mess with a Cop: Twice. He'due south had many encounters with the police, but on one occasion fabricated an illegal turn out of a Krispy Kreme and got caught. The policeman pulled him over and asked the obligatory, "Yous know why I pulled you lot over?" His response (while holding a fresh batch of Krispy Kreme donuts in his lap): "Cuz you could odour it!"
- EPICMEALTIME: Fast Food Fluffy Block
- Fat Bastard: Noted here:
| I used to say that there were five levels of fatness — the original five are 'large', 'healthy', 'husky', 'fluffy', and 'Daaayum!'". People asked, what could exist bigger than 'Daaayum!'? The new level is chosen 'Aw, HELL naw!' | |
- Compared to "Daayum", in which people mistook you for an amusement park ride, "Aw, HELL naw!" comes with Godzilla sounds. Gabe was damn sure the elevator he was in would plummet if they permit him in.
- Faux Yay: In his special "I'thou Not Fat... I'm Fluffy", he talked about getting drunk in El Paso and catastrophe up at a gay club. When he realized where he was and realized that guys were checking him out, he embraced information technology, putting his easily on his hips and going "Shoot..." in fairly camp manner. He even went and so far equally to phone call his girlfriend to say, "You better not mess upward, because I have options."
- In "Hot and Fluffy", he'due south said he's turned gay for 5 seconds later having a plane drib during a lightning storm. Oh, and brought up the aforementioned accidental Gay Bar incident.
- He tends to scream similar a adult female a lot during his routines.
- Fetish Fuel: For him, it's all most food. "Chooooooocolate.... caaaaaaaaake....."
- For the Lulz: Gabriel's friend Felipe frequently pulls off actually dickish pranks that (either near or actually) get the whole bunch of them in serious trouble. His justification when they bowwow him out subsequently? "Only it was funny, huh?" It later bites him in the donkey.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: Gabriel's stories tend to pigment Felipe as this, given how much trouble he gets everyone into.
- Fun with Foreign Languages: Gabriel recounts a trip to the Arizona Mall, which greets its visitors:
| (group of white shoppers enters) *chime* "Welcome to the Arizona Mall." | |
- He recounts calling upwardly Gatorland in Florida, where the Castilian hotline consisted of "I don't speak Spanish, but I'thousand sure you'll honey this park."
- Hula and Luaus/Aloha Hawaii: He recounts beingness mistaken for Hawaiian constantly (due to his Hawaiian shirt and size). He was perplexed and bellyaching by people request this... until he really went to Hawai'i and constitute out why (they all, quote, "expect like swollen Mexicans" and are fluffy like him!)
- Gallows Sense of humour: A variation, he says that y'all can go out of trouble with a cop if you lot can brand them express mirth. So he once had "|Bad Boys" blaring over his speakers when a cop pulled him over for speeding. The cop couldn't stop laughing and then he sent him on his way.
- Gang-Bangers: His routine sketch involves an anecdote when he used to drive a tiny Volkswagen Beetle, and getting made fun of by some Mexican gangbangers for somehow plumbing fixtures in a Beetle. It'due south been modified - he's even so made fun of despite being in a bigger car.
- Eyyyyyy! How yous go in there, Ese!
- I Am Big Boned/Insistent Terminology: He'due south non fat, he'southward fluffy! Subverted in other jokes, in which he mocks his own weight.
- Also with Insistent Terminology: "I AM NOT A STRIPPER, OK?!?! I'one thousand... An entertainer ."
| Gabriel: Noooooooo, I'thousand an entertainer. And you're nasty. | |
- Mama Bear: Gabriel'due south girlfriend reacts this way at Gabriel 1 time when he gets upset and yells at her son.
- Homo of a One thousand Voices: Okay, not a thousand voices, simply he certainly can practise a couple dozen. Each and every one is made according to the Dominion of Funny.
- Momma's Boy: In two of his specials he takes time out of the human action to depict attention to his mother in the audition, and speaks lovingly about her. He says he owes a lot to her in other specials, because he feels she's the reason why he's successful - if he can't make his mom express mirth with a joke, the joke isn't funny.
- Mood Whiplash: When telling the "excessive speeding" story; he has the California Highway Patrolman grooving to the theme to COPS, even walking to the trounce of the song, just when he returns to Gabriel'south car, he snaps right back into serious mode, shouting, "SHUT IT OFF!" at Gabriel.
- Later, he lets them go, only for Gabe'due south friend to run his mouth. Cop yanks out his piece.
- Retroactive Wish: In one of his first routines, Gabriel talked nearly how much he loved chocolate cake; since and then, people have brought him chocolate block when they become to his shows. This caused one of his friends to ask, "Why didn't yous practice a joke well-nigh hookers?" and his girlfriend'southward son to say, "You should say you love Transformers."
- Sassy Black Woman - During the racist gift basket portion - complete with "Y'all demand Jesus". And she shows upward once more when Gabe tries to telephone call OnStar.
- Screams Similar a Little Girl: A sudden loss of altitude in a plane tends to do that to you lot. In fact, Gabriel loves to pulls off the excited scream in his shows, usually during impersonations.
- Lamentable I Left the BGM On: In another instance with a policeman, he was pulled over for speeding. The policeman walked over, and since he usually gets off easy if he can brand a cop express mirth, he turned on his Bad Boys 2 CD and blared the COPS theme vocal. The policeman "damn near pissed himself".
- Spell My Proper noun with an "Due south": One routine revolved around an especially sassy black woman working at a hotel front desk--whose Spanish was defective, apparently--miffed most his proper noun being spelled "Iglesias" despite having a long "E" sound in English language.
- As well, his legal name is Gabriel Iglecias. Professionally, he spells it with two s's for simplicity's sake.
- Truth in Television - In Hot and Fluffy, he recites existence told about a Floridian theme park revolving effectually gators, chosen Gatorland, in which pressing the selection for Spanish when calling the theme park results in a "I don't speak Spanish, but I'm sure you'll honey this park." Turns out... information technology does say that. Well, did. (The park and its telephone number even so exist, past the manner, merely non the "Spanish" option.)
- Violation of Mutual Sense: During the traffic cease story, Gabriel and his buddies manage to get off scot-free later on doing over 100 on the pike by making the cop laugh... which should have gotten them tossed in jail. He fifty-fifty says, "I don't know what possessed me to look at [the California highway patrolman] and ask, 'Why?'"
- Vocal Dissonance: One routine relates how Gabe one time toyed with a fast food drive-through by ordering in a voice that sounded more similar a perky white daughter than a large male Latino, so pulled up with a tough-looking "gangsta" face to receive his food. Upon being offered a condiment, he flipped back to the perky female voice with, "OMIGAWD, yep!"
- Subverted at all the fast food drive-thrus near his house. They recognise him despite the usual perky female vocalism he uses:
| Gabriel: "Yeah, let me have-" | |
- Worth It: "But it was funny, huh?"
- ↑ She spoke with him over again when his car was stolen and he called On-Star, chiming in starting time with a "Do you lot spell that wit' an "I"? He hung up and redialed the Castilian line instead of the English language line hoping she won't grab on, leading to this.
Source: https://tropedia.fandom.com/wiki/Gabriel_Iglesias
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